Thank you for joining me on my art path. My art path includes studio practice, also education and exhibiting as well. In December and January I spent time preparing a portfolio and applying to the SMU Meadows School of Art, after receiving my Associates in Art degree from Brookhaven College in May, 2015. I was accepted into the SMU Meadows’ Bachelors of Fine Art program on January 11, 2016. Classes started shortly thereafter. This Spring I am enrolled in two SMU classes with Professor Mary Vernon including color theory and visual narrative. These classes include homework and intense sketchbook work using painting, drawing or collage. More studio time is needed on this painter’s calendar!
There’s a social side to painting that includes hosting studio visits and meeting with others who anticipate art in their future as they transition out of their corporate roles. This month, there were several discussions about the path, alternatives to getting started and art education resources in the Dallas metroplex.
January was also spent organizing and submitting proposals for two art exhibits in regional institutions. Happy to report that I will be in two very special small group (3 artist) month-long exhibits this year:
– in July at Cedar Valley College in Lancaster, TX and
– in October at Eisemann Performance Center in Richardson, TX.
So thankful for these opportunities. More info as we get closer to the dates and an invitation to the receptions will follow. It’s been a good start to an exciting year.