I’m excited to announce that I have been selected for a three-week Artist Residency at Vermont Studio Center located in Johnson, Vermont. The residency will be March 12, 2023 until April 1, 2023. I look forward to this residency – a place to truly get away to clear one’s head, spark new creative thoughts and ideas. Being in this creative environment with twenty other writers and visual artists helps the creative juices flow. Under these circumstances, its a trigger to try something new such as experiment with new painting mediums or jump into a larger project that requires dedicated time and concentration. After decompressing into this unique environment, there is space to discover where and how I want to grow my art practice or next body of work. I’m grateful to live, work and play in snowy Vermont and explore the scenery. I’m eager to kick off this journey and flow with the adventure. Follow my journey through social media; let’s stay in touch.
Let’s keep in touch online using Instagram, Facebook,YouTube or e-mail. See links below. JulieEnglandArt Facebook and Instagram pages are typically updated once or twice per week.