My studio is a sanctuary for creative solitude where ideas come to life through materials. I feel a sense of calm and a sense of flow in the work. My ideas written in a notebook, some reference images or books are spread out on the work tables to influence my direction. There are lists of things I want to paint in the future, things to do on the current body of work or studio supplies I need to purchase.  The larger scale surfaces are painted hanging directly on the wall. Chairs are available for sitting to observe work in progress. On any given workday the studio may look chaotic; however, this is an integration experience for me to put it visually all together. My studio is a place of freedom to express what is in my mind transforming it into a physical representation on canvas with oil paint.


This quote from Natasha Bowdin fits my experience too:

“The principles and spirit of the natural world – the constant ebb and flow, the balance between creation and destruction – tend to govern the way my work develops. Growth and decay are both part of my process. A drawing mught sprout as part of one work and then get cut down and grafted onto another. To tha end, I see my studio as a kind of garden in its own right. Within The garden, conditions are cultivated to feed my instinctive process. The more work I have going on at one time and the messier and more chaotic the space, the bigger the harvest!”.

Well said, Natasha! I can relate.