Beetle Tree Oil on Canvas 30" x 40" 2015Sold
Julie England
River Gorge
River Gorge Oil on Canvas 30" x 40" 2015
New Work Space; New Art Studio
A new work space can bring new energy to any activity. This week I moved into a new art studio built for artists in the Dallas Design District. It is a single story building that was a gallery space and was converted into art studio spaces. All the occupants are...
A Word of Appreciation: 8/8/15
Our website has drawn in thousands. Thank you to our global visitors! I appreciate you. In addition, this is another good year of selling pieces of art. See the gallery called In Private Collections to see what has sold. We have had over 30,000 visitors so far. Thank...
Fairchild & Co. Jewelry in Santa Fe, NM
Two of my favorite things: jewelry and art! They go together so well in one of my favorite cities: Santa Fe, NM. There is a new piece of art work on display and available for purchase at Fairchild & Co. jewelry store in Santa Fe, NM. If you visit Santa Fe later...
Monthly Newsletter
To start receiving my monthly newsletter: - Please fill in the form on the Contact page; no need to leave a comment. - You will receive an e-mail to confirm your acceptance of the newsletter. - You need to confirm the acceptance as the last step. Newsletters are...
Graduation – A Passage
I’m now an enthusiastic advocate of community college; especially for folks like me who entered a new life passage and wanted to try something new. Oil painting and drawing pulls on me with a lot of affinity and good vibes. I found a place to dip my toe in the water...
Heat Of The Night – SOLD
Heat Of The Night Oil on Canvas 30" x 40" 2013Sold
300 Trees – SOLD
300 Trees Oil on Canvas 30" x 40" 2014Sold
Three Graces Abstract
Three Graces Abstract Oil on Canvas 12" x 16" 2014
Sunday Afternoon
Sunday Afternoon Oil on Canvas 16" x 14" 2014
Right-hand Man – SOLD
Right-hand Man Oil on Canvas 40" x 30" 2015Sold
My Left-Hand Man – SOLD
My Left-Hand Man Oil on Canvas 40" x 30" 2015Sold
Blues, Study after Swezy – SOLD
Blues, Study after Swezy Oil on Canvas 30" x 40" 2015Sold
A Shared Experience – SOLD
A Shared Experience Oil on Canvas 30" x 24" 2015Sold
Art Priorities and Practice
Karyl Innis posted on PRIME that “Resolutions just suck. Even the word resolution sounds out of it…old… bound by tradition …and in some cases, the word even has a slightly legal twang to it.” She suggests a coaching technique for personal goal setting “The...
No Art was Made for God’s Sake
It has been fascinating to study art history highlights and observe the role of the artist change dramatically in society and also to further examine the definition of art perceived by the people of the time. “Art in the middle ages was ‘art for God’s sake’; art in...
Irving Art Association Juried Art Exhibit 10/26-11/26
Two of Julie's prints are exhibited in this show. Saturday Afternoon wood cut relief print received a 3rd Place ribbon in Printmaking. Please feel free to attend anytime during the exhibit through the end of January. Dates: Oct 26 – Nov 26, 2014 Location: IAA West...
Frisco City Hall: Art In The Atrium Exhibit
One of Julie's paintings is included in the six month-long exhibit at Frisco City Hall: Art In The Atrium Exhibit, which will run from Oct. 27, 2014 through April 3,2015. Check it out next time you are in Frisco, TX. Julie's painting, titled Yesterday's Thoughts, is...
Mastery, from Steve Straus…3-Minute Coaching
(Quotes are capsules of information, reinforcement or enlightenment.) "It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover to your surprise that you have rendered something in its true character."...
On My Own Time Art Show -N. Texas Business Council for the Arts
On exhibit until August 14 @ On My Own Time Art Show (North Texas Business Council for the Arts) Where: Texas Instruments, Texans Center Results Are In: Works on Canvas - Amateur Second Place "Sunday Afternoon" Julie England
Immersion Adult Education II
They tell us if you want to learn a foreign language, try immersion in the culture with people who speak the language 24 x 7. I attended my third 6-day painting workshop. This July class was six days at SMU in Taos, NM with a plein air painting group led by Suzanne...
Visit with an Artist by Linda Smittle
"I love your work. The colors are vibrant. The designs are brilliant. Can you tell me about your process and inspiration?" Margaret Canavan, the artist, nodded and smiled. She moved closer to one mosaic and explained how she created her art from polymer clay, image...
First Solo Painting Exhibit
The support of friends is priceless. Texas Women Ventures will host my first solo painting exhibit. Thanks and appreciation to Whitney Martin, Susie Riggs, Lennie Sullivan and Greg O’Shea. You are welcome to drop by any time during work hours before July 31 to...
Donating Art to Charities
Some would tell you that a good way to get your name out in front of the public is to give your art away. Maybe that's true. And maybe that is why we are compelled to give a piece of art work to a charity for a silent auction to help raise money for a good cause....
Destination Art Adventures
Studying art includes getting out of the classrooms to galleries and museums. The combination of travel to an art destination with friends is one of the most fun activities on my agenda, and educational too. It is like two revealing, discovery opportunities in...
48th Annual Richardson Civic Art Society Regional Show May 1-27
This piece will be on view at the 48th Annual Richardson Civic Art Society Regional Art Show from May 1-27 in the Eisemann Center for the Performing Arts in Richardson, TX. You are invited to the reception on Sunday, May 11 from 7-9pm. Please attend one of the better...
Supporting Other Artists
Being part of the art community means supporting other artists. There are many ways to be involved in the community. The primary way is to participate and engage other artists. Go to their studios. See their work. Ask about their concepts behind the art and their...
Collaborative Painting Studio for 3
2013 has been a very fulfilling year, for both art and business. I am taking on a new urban venture starting in December. It is an interesting change: starting a collaborative painting studio with two other artists in Dallas. Like going to the gym or going to work, we...
Drawing and Painting
What is drawing? What is painting? How are they different? How are they alike? How can one help improve your creativity of the other? We wrestle with these questions and realize how similar drawing and painting really are, especially to the emerging artist...
Challenge the Boundary Conditions & Break Rules
In art and science, or generally in life, the old and new ideas overlap for a considerable period of time. Tensions exist between the rationale and theory for why the old idea was adopted and held strong, while the new premise has to bubble up through our culture and...
On My Own Time Art Show, Texas Instruments
Honorable Mention, Amateur Works On Canvas August 16, 2013 Jurors: Cindy Gummer Marie Renfro
Plano Art Association, Juried Art Show “Change” Exhibit open and available until Sept. 6, 2013 1013 15th Place, Plano, TX East across the tracks from the Downtown DART Rail Station
Irving Art Association Winners Exhibit 6/8-7/7/2013
Presented by Irving Arts Center and Irving Art Association There is a piece of artwork by Julie England in this art show. Schedule: Jun 08, 2013 - Jul 07, 2013 Award winning artwork from the IAA's annual juried member show. Gallery admission is free. Gallery...
“Artrageous! Crazy! Cool!” VAGF Open Show June 3-30
There are two pieces of artwork by Julie England in this art show. Visual Art Guild of Frisco, TX Frisco Discovery Center 8004 Dallas Parkway, Frisco 75034 Jurors: Lisa Hees, Director of the The McKinney Avenue Contemporary in Dallas, Lauren...
It is a great feeling to sell your first piece of art work. You know how that feels: the satisfaction and payoff of many hours of concentration and work. No, not an attachment to this outcome, but rather a celebration of a milestone reached along a path. It is a...
There will be bits and bites of the "second career as an artist " process revealed in this blog. If you who want to follow your heart to bring in more joy or live the life so far unlived, this blog may be of interest to you.