36th Annual Juried Exhibition at Texarkana Regional Arts Center and Humanities Council (TRAHC)

Honored to have two paintings, ‘Denton Creek Bed’ and ‘Big Horn Sheep Canyon area’ juried into the 36th Annual Juried Exhibition hosted by Texarkana Regional Arts Center and Humanities Council (TRAHC).

This is a regional juried art competition exhibit that is on view from June 21 – August 10, 2024. Opening Reception: June 21, 2024 at 6:30pm.

TRAHC Regional Art Center
321 West 4th Street
Texarkana, TX 75503







BEST IN SHOW , Joyful Journey Exhibition at Art On Main Gallery, Dallas

Thrilled to have Red Roses painting juried into and awarded BEST IN SHOW in the Joyful Journey Exhibition hosted by Art On Main Gallery and sponsored by City of Dallas Office of Arts and Culture.

This is a regional juried art competition exhibit for women artists that was on view from May 11 – May 24, 2024.

Art On Main Gallery
4428 Main Street, Suite 200
Dallas, TX  75266





In The Studio

My studio is a sanctuary for creative solitude where ideas come to life through materials. I feel a sense of calm and a sense of flow in the work. My ideas written in a notebook, some reference images or books are spread out on the work tables to influence my direction. There are lists of things I want to paint in the future, things to do on the current body of work or studio supplies I need to purchase. Mostly I work on an easel using stretched canvas or Yupo attached to a large foam core board. The larger scale surfaces are painted hanging directly on the wall. Chairs are available for sitting to observe work in progress. On any given workday the studio may look chaotic; however, this is an integration experience for me to put it visually all together. My studio is a place of freedom to express what is in my mind transforming it into a physical representation on canvas with oil paint.



7th annual Center for Contemporary Arts National juried Exhibition and Competition

Honored to have two paintings, Valley near Wheeler Peak, NM and Colorado 2, were juried into the CCAN 2023 Art Exhibition.
This is a national juried art competition with 2023 juror, Letitia Huckaby. This national competition receives over 350 submissions annually.
On exhibit from September 2, 2023 – October 28, 2023. This year 192 artworks by 138 artists from 28 states are on view.
Opening reception on Saturday, 2pm – 4pm, September 9, 2023.

Center for Contemporary Arts
220 Cypress Street, Abilene, TX 79601




The MAC Group Art Exhibition

Enjoyed participating with my Explorations painting in the Membership Show on view from  July 22, 2023 to September 16, 2023 at The MAC, 1503 S. Ervay, Dallas, TX 75215.​ Open Thursday – Saturday, 12pm – 5pm.

Opening reception on Saturday evening, 6pm – 9pm, July 22, 2023.

The MAC Gallery
1503 South Ervay Street, Dallas, TX 75215

Started while in Santa Fe, NM surrounded on the East by the Sangre de Christo Mountains and on the West by the Jemez Mountains. At 7000 feet altitude, blue skies and brilliant sunshine, it is an inspiring location.



RO2 Gallery CHAOS!9 Group Art Exhibition

Excited to have Landscape 104 and Landscape 105 paintings included in the CHAOS!9 Group Art Exhibition that will be on view from  July 15, 2023 to September 17, 2023 at Ro2 Art Projects, 1501 S. Ervay, Dallas, TX 75215.

Opening reception on Saturday evening, 7pm – 10pm, July 15, 2023.

RO2 Gallery
1501 South Ervay Street, Dallas, TX 75215

Started while in Santa Fe, NM surrounded on the East by the Sangre de Christo Mountains and on the West by the Jemez Mountains. At 7000 feet altitude, blue skies and brilliant sunshine, it is an inspiring location to paint the topology and undulations of the Earth’s unique surface.



Arcadia Art Show Vol7 2023

Thankful to have END OF THE SEASON painting selected for the Arcadia Art SHowVol7 – an international juried art show hosted in the Arcadia Theater in historic downtown Tyler, TX, which is currently the headquarters of Martin Walker Law firm. This art exhibit is on view from  May 13, 2023 to June 23, 2023. AASH Vol7 was juried this year by Alex Schulte, an art collector based in Berlin, Germany.

Opening reception on Saturday evening, May 13, 2023 starting at 5pm.

Arcadia Theater
Martin Walker P.C. downtown Tyler, TX
121 N. Spring Ave, Tyler, TX 75702